This is Ty Siddiqui from the Wyld Fire Beltane Hunt. All of us at the WFBH have been monitoring the situation with the Covid-19 virus and how it is circulating through Louisiana. This has become a very frustrating, scary, and defensive time for many of us. Our neighbors, our friends, our family, and our elderly are becoming sick. The tenacity of Covid-19 makes it dissimilar to our common illnesses, so we are dealing with something unknown that can make us ill with varying severity. Our normal rules and routines have been disrupted, and so many are having a hard time adjusting to social/financial pressures,
We want you to know that you are loved by your community, and you're not really alone. We are banded together as a tribe and want to be there for you. WFBH was created to be a celebration of life that serves the Pagan heart, whomever has it. Whether this year would have been your first year, or you've attended our yearly event since its inception, we hope you'll always feel connected to us, and we want to continue to be of service to you. Your safety and health is our primary focus, and we don't want to hold an event that would jeopardize that.
As Louisiana's governor announced yesterday, all residents are now ordered to shelter in-place and avoid gatherings. Our organization abides with all legal mandates, and knows that flattening "the curve" of infection is the best way to beat this pandemic. We also know it's the best thing for our safety as a whole.
Because of this, we have decided to change things. Contrary to our previous blog post about the Coronavirus, we have chosen to create a safe, short camping experience that is free. This year's Wyld Fire Hunt will take place Saturday, May 2nd at 10am to Sunday, May 3rd at 12pm. Additional details will be provided on our website and Facebook, but this will essentially be a small, private ritual held on the property, and various camping sites taken over by campers. You can use this time to stretch your legs away from the confines of your home, and greet your fellow Pagans the same way you would greet the folks who walk by your front porch.

You can either spend the 26 hours doing your own camping thing, or you can check out other areas on the property. There is no specific planned assemblage of people, and the entire event will be free (with a maximum of 50 people on the property at one time). Ticket holders will be given priority. With 52 acres of land, if you'd like to keep a whole acre between you and someone else, you can.
This year's Beltane will include:
Several classes
Beltane ritual
Bonfire party
Bar by donation
Overnight camping
Swimming during the day
The jacuzzi will be off-limits, as will sleeping in the clubhouse. No food will be provided.
While we will put precautions in place, this is a "come at your own risk" camping experience. We are not liable for any injury or illness you may experience while there. We strongly encourage those who are sick or have underlying conditions that make them more susceptible to illness to avoid the campground.
For those who already purchased their tickets: we know this isn't what you had in mind when you bought your ticket. This is an unfair situation for you, the ticket purchaser, and the last thing we want is to cause you more stress. After discussing it with our committee members, we would like to offer you a free ticket for next year's event, for every ticket you purchased, regardless of whether our price goes up next year or not. All tickets will also be transferable, so if you aren't able to attend next year, you can sell them to someone else and we will honor the transfer.
Because money was already spent on supplies and plane tickets (and we cannot get that money back), we are unable to issue refunds at this time. If you rented loft space or pre-ordered a mug, that money will be refunded to you. We want to make sure you spend a little time in-proximity to your Pagan community of weirdos, even if we can't hug each other or clasp hands. We hope that you're able to look forward to this camping experience, and that it lifts any spirits that may feel isolated.
In the meantime, we wish you a very Merry Ostara. Please RSVP by sending us a message through our website, and let us know if you'll be camping May 2nd-3rd at Gryphon's Nest. If you choose not to come out to the Nest, know that we will live stream portions of the ritual and party, so we can include those who choose to stay at home.
Thank you for your continued support. We hope you look forward to our event, as much as we look forward to seeing you! From our hearts to yours, we hope your Beltane is full of splendor.
Ty Siddiqui