Sigil Witchery: Community-Created Symbols of Power, with Laura Zakroff
Sigils are magical symbols that are designed to influence ourselves and the world around us. Explore a fresh, innovative and intuitive approach to crafting your own designs. Tracing through history, art, and culture, we’ll look at the basic elements that make up all symbols, consider meanings, and see how to safely and respectfully incorporate them into your own personal practice. Together we will collectively craft a sigil for the festival.
Laura is the author of the best-selling books Sigil Witchery: A Witch’s Guide to Crafting Magick Symbols (winner of a Gold 2019 COVR Award),Weave the Liminal: Living Modern Traditional Witchcraft, andAnatomy of a Witch: A Map to the Magical Body. She is the author of The Witch’s Cauldron and co-author (with Jason Mankey) of The Witch’s Altar. Her first oracle deck, The Liminal Spirits Oracle, was released in June 2020 from Llewellyn Worldwide and won a Silver COVR Award in 2021. Laura also conceived and edited the anthology The New Aradia: A Witch’s Handbook to Magical Resistance, which was released in September 2018 from Revelore Press.
She blogs at Patheos as A Modern Traditional Witch and at Witches & Pagans as Fine Art Witchery. She is a regular contributor to The Witches’ Almanac, Ltd.

Sensual Dance Flow, with Rae-Lynn Cazalot
Invoke your inner vixen, and let your sensual animation shine! This feminine movement class will call you deep into your body and invite you to explore the juicy depths of pleasure that dance can offer you. We'll start with a warm-up to set intentions, connect to the breath, and ease into our flow. Next, we'll learn a fun and flirty chair dance choreography that is beginner-friendly and will be broken down step-by-step. After, we'll allow space for free-dance and then close with a guided cool-down and brief circle gathering to share our experiences. Please bring water to drink and a yoga mat or towel.
Rae-Lynn has 10 years of experience as an exotic dancer and performer. She began professionally teaching sensual dance classes two years ago, and continues to offer instruction at Magnolia's Playground in Scott, Louisiana.

As Within, So Without: Astrology in Relationships, with Bill Duvendack
How are relationships analyzed through the prism of astrology? In this class, we will look at basic terms, concepts, and correspondences to enhance the many relationships in your life and help you foster new healthy and fulfilling ones!
Bill is a 30+ year practitioner and student of the western mysteries, as well as being an internationally known astrologer, author, presenter, psychic, publisher, tarot reader, and teacher.
He is an ordained Thelemic Bishop, lifetime member of the Astrological Association of St Louis.
member of the Fellowship of Isis as well as BOTA, and was founder of the now dormant coven ‘Luna’s Veiled Wisdom’, as well as a co-founder of the dormant magical lodge ‘Sanctum Sub Rosa’, which was aligned with the Congregational Illuminism current. He is initiated in the Golden Dawn tradition and experienced with Spiritualist methods of channeling, mediumship, and spirit work.

Pleasure as Prayer Part I, with Lauren Hind
In this time of continued collective unease, uncertainty, and cultural contraction, orienting towards abundance, pleasure, and joy is more important than ever. It may in fact be our medicine for individual and collective healing.
In this two part workshop, we will explore embodied pleasure and joy through a variety of somatic practices and deepen into the power of pleasure as a prayer, a portal for liberation and truth.
In the first part we will explore our personal experiences of pleasure and joy, obstacles to it, and somatic practices to enhance it. We will draw upon our connection to, and of the natural world to take us deeper into our own felt sense of "yes", "no", and "maybe".
In the second part of the workshop participants will be invited into a collective erotic ritual where we can elevate one another energetically towards our own pleasure and erotic intelligence. The workshop is consent-based and trauma informed.
Participants may only come to the 2nd part if they have attended the first.
Lauren is a sex worker, sexological body worker, somatic sex educator, re-evaluation counselor, cultural worker, ritualist, bee tender and artist living and working in Bulbancha, land of many tongues, colonially known as New Orleans. There she works with artists, activists, urban farmers, herbalists, sex workers, and other healers to re-imagine and practice tending to our erotic selves. Using pleasure as a lens and the body as a portal to heal, she believes we can actively dismantle oppression and trauma individually and collectively. She is often found rolling around on the floor, eating dark chocolate, covered in dirt. Her website is w w w. T h e B o d y E r o t i c . c o m

Within The Tea Circle: Drinking In The Divine Feminine, with LaReina Besant
The practice and social engagement of tea has always been a communal one. It creates time for rest, for intentionality- the crafting of tea is slow and allows conversation, communication, and unity between its brewers. How often do we prioritize intentionality, rest and community? This class offering will allow you to ritualize the brewing/drinking of one of Earth's oldest drinks.
In this workshop, we will explore the beautiful softness within Divine Femininity by
reawakening the social healing practice in sharing tea. Complete with guided prompts and
conversation, we will dive deep into our own reflections. With difficult conversations on self-worth, love, and the truth that none of us battle the weight of the world alone, each table will
have time to share and express within the Tea Circle. The goal of this workshop is to create new
friendships between strangers, promote honesty and softness towards ourselves and our paths
through Divine Femininity, all while enjoying a curated tea blend.
LaReina is the owner and operator of Queenly Conjure, a Folk Magic Tea Room. She is also an Herbalist, Tea Crafter, generational Rootworker, and practicing Druid.

Integrating Self & The Divine: A Yogic Practice, with Aya Cardeiro
The definition of Yoga is "Union". In this class series with Aya (our only class offered every day of the festival), experience the integration of Self with the Divine through mindfulness breathwork and gentle postures, a heart opening practice that aligns us with love and healing.
Aya has been providing healing hands and a nurturing spirit for over 25 years. In addition to teaching yoga at her studio Riverstone (in Bogalusa), she is a master in Usui Reiki, a trained doula, an ordained minister, and Shamanic meditation guide. She is certified in numerous healing modalities, and has studied indigenous midwifery.

Meet Astral Travel: An Altered State of Consciousness, with Asia Strong
Astral Travel is different from meditation, shamanic journeying, or remote viewing, and
astral projection can be a very visceral experience, a closer relation to lucid dreaming. Learn to
tell the difference between the powerful astral state of consciousness versus the other altered states.
In this class we’ll learn techniques and best practices to build your own astral travel practice at
home, and discuss safe ways to navigate the astral realms
Asia is the owner of Cottage Magick Witchcraft Shop in New Orleans and a psychic medium for the Metaphysical Resource Center in Metairie. She has been certified in O.E.B. Exploration Studies by the Monroe Institute (2018), and has explored mediumship and altered states of consciousness at the Arthur Findlay College in Stansted, England.

The Dream of Love: Using Dreams to Cultivate Connection and Intimacy, with Kezia Vida
In this workshop, we will explore precisely how our dreams can reveal the pathway to the
unconditional love and support that is available to us in every moment, and how this pathway can
lead to deep love and connection in our waking lives. Whether you can’t remember your dreams,
you have nightmares about your ex every night, or you dream constantly of sexually fantasies, this
workshop will show you how to take a new, fresh perspective on your dreams and alchemize them
into a potent tool for your healing, transformation, and growth. The class will include interactive 1:1
activities and a group dream journey.
Kezia Vida has been studying dreams and how to utilize them for healing, growth, and
transformation from both a Jungian and Shamanic perspective since 2009. She has spent hundreds
of hours in 1:1 transformational dreamwork sessions with dreamers, led dream groups, hosted two
community wide dream festivals, and published a unique dream journal, The Dreaming I. She serves
on the steering committee for Natural Dreamwork and mentors other dreamworkers in their craft.
She has also completed extensive training with Jose & Lena Stevens of The Power Path in Santa Fe,
NM and Nina Palmieri of A New Earth Movement in Sedona, AZ.
Photo credited to Jessi Donley.

Mead Making: Drafting the Drink of the Gods, with Mike Lyons
Older than beer, older than wine, mead is the oldest alcoholic beverage in the world. Its earliest remains in mainland China are over 9,000 years old, and this fermented honey alcohol has been found in Africa, India, and throughout Europe. To the Welsh, it was thought to be a magickal elixir with the power to heal. For the Greeks, it was ambrosia... a special gift carried like dew from the heavens to the Earth... by bees!
Fermenting mead can be difficult, but mead maker Mike Lyons (of Nerthus Mead, one the Northshore) will walk you through its history and show you how easily meads can be made in the 21st Century!
Mike Lyons has been crafting a variety of meads and melomels with his son for over five years, and is the owner of Nerthus Mead.

Charm Bag 101, with Pixie Peiskos
Let's put the "craft" in "Witchcraft" by making our own Beltane-inspired charm bags! These bags are typically small, and kept someplace close to you (or to whomever the bag is for) or put in an area of focused intention (like an altar) in order to attract something, or repel something. We will spend class time talking about the general nature of charm bags before building a bag for fertility (physical, spiritual, creative, etc.).
You can either bring your own materials, or purchase materials from Pixie for a small fee. Ideal items/ideas to bring/work with are: red (assoc. with love, fertility, luck (in Chinese culture) green (fertility of the earth), or pink (friendship or new love) bags; egg shells, cinnamon, mint, lavender, rose petals, rosemary, etc.; seeds for flowers or fruit that grow in the Spring or Summer are also appropriate; symbols on the bag can include a spiral, a blossoming flower, the six-pointed star, or sex organs (more literal there); stones can include bloodstone or hematite (physical fertility), garnet (business), rose quartz (emotional), or labradorite and fluorite (mental); associations with Sheila na Gig, Persephone/Demeter, Hathor, Inanna, Maman Brigitte, Danu, Freya, Parvati, or Pachamama are also appropriate. If you have a personal item you relate with fertility, bring that to put inside the charm bag too!
Pixie is a DJ, dancer, and traveler who has a small magickal craft business and performs as a fire flow artist. She has practiced witchcraft for six years.

The Secrets of the Runes, with Alex Vanbeber
The word ‘Rune’ means mystery, and is also related to the word for "howling", a song or chant, a whisper, or even given to mean secret. The secrets of the runes reveal themselves in many places: lost arts, sciences, and religious practices essential to Paganism's past, present, and future.
This class covers 26 authentic 9th-11th Century spells, and how to apply the knowledge gained from these spells to the general knowledge of the runes. The primary source material for common rune lore are the major rune poems. Via the ancient secrets of poetry, a rune fulfills a mnemonic function, a linguistic function, and a philosophical function that transfers the content of poems, axioms, advice, and symbols, into a loose conglomeration of ideas under a singular symbol, the rune. Because the historic references to the runes can all be expressed as metaphors for each other, all of the information related to a rune can be reduced to common phrases, single words, or even repetitive patterns. The symbol of a rune can represent an idea, which is called an ideogram, and these ideograms are symptomatic of other axioms, such as the system of gnomic logic featured in the Havamal.
This is the basis of Norse spellsong and sorcery, and many of Paganism's most impressive feats of sorcery and witchcraft lie dormant, lost in references to the runes hidden in the source documents of Norse Mythology. Let's walk through these together and revive their power!
Alex is a scholar and practicing Heathen, a member of Ordo Temple Orientis, Vice President of the G.N.O. Pagan Pride Project, and co-owner of Academie Gnostique.

Into the Wild: Survivalism Basics, with Jordan Bantuelle
Did the past couple of years make you feel powerless, isolated, and unprepared? Getting down to the fundamental needs of wilderness survival can help you find your power again!! We'll focus on finding clean water, staying warm and dry with shelter and fire, and general wilderness preparedness.mWe’re not recommending you get lost in the woods. But if you are like All You Need co-founder Jordan Bantuelle, you are probably going to do it anyway, so it’s much better to be prepared!
Jordan and his partner Kezia co-created The All You Need Institute in Lumberton, Mississippi. This 140+ acreage supports educational programming and activities centered around spiritual connection, sustainability, intentional community, and living off the land. Jordan is a native New Orleanian who studied biology at LSU, where he entered the world of environmental leadership. He holds an advanced certification in the sustainable design methodology of Permaculture, is a Prescribed Burn Manager, has completed Alderleaf Wilderness School's Essential Wilderness Skills Class, and is a certified Wilderness Herbal First Responder.Learn more at

Intro to Modern Chaos Magick and the Left Hand Path, with Jasmine
Simply put, Chaos Magick is a school of thought that emphasizes magickal results over everything else, following the credo "If it works, it works!" The Left-Hand Path differs from the RHP in that it emphasizes breaking from specific dogma or morality with regards to magickal practice. Both of these magickal schools can come together to empower and embolden rising magickal practitioners in our community!
Some of the questions we will answer are:
Why do magic? What do I gain? What is the importance of a magickal journal? What is the history of the movement? Who is Austin Osman Spare? How has LaVeyism influenced LHP? What is antinomianism, Egregores, Sigils, and just what the heck is Immanentizing the Eschaton? By the end of the class, you will have learned some practical applications that you can immediately take home and use.
Jasmine has been actively practicing magic for 40 years. She has previously run her own occult/bookstore in northern CA. She is an Initiate of Thanateros, and has actively studied: RHP, LHP, Shamanism, Magical Philosophy, Alchemy, Ceremonial Magic and too many other subjects to list here in a practical manner. She is a magical herbalist with a knowledge of over 400+ plants here in the USA. She also teaches candle magic, poppet making, incense, magical powders and other practical applications of magic.

NIA Dance Meditation, with Rae-Lynn Cazalot
Are you looking for a fun, holistic way to bring more joy, balance, connection, and energy into your life? "NIA" stands for neuromuscular integrative action, and it is a meditative movement practice combining martial arts, dance, and healing arts to form an invigorating sensory-based experience designed to empower the practitioner. NIA is meant to be done barefoot with soul-stirring, fun music! To learn more, please visit
Please bring water to drink.
Rae-Lynn has been a professional dancer for over 7 years, and is a certified NIA instructor, practicing since 2016 and teaching since 2020.

Sonick Sigil Spirit Calling, with Vovin Lonshin
This class was born of a friendship between a New Orleans Vodouisant and a Chaos Magician during a drive to the infamous festival, Babylon Rising (and published in “Dr. John Montanee: A Grimoire: The Path of a New Orleans Loa, Resurrection in Remembrance“ by Dr. Louie Martinie).
In traditional Vodou, the loa have signature drum beats that call out to them. This class is designed to help create new drum patterns for calling out to new loa. Every letter in each of the names is represented by a three note measure. Each note can be either a High note (representing the outer rim of traditional drums), a Low note (representing the middle of the drum head) or a Rest.
In this workshop, after explaining the history of sonick sigils and the basics of how it works, we will issue a statement of intent and convert it into a name, then encode that name into a beat, develop power words to accompany the beat, and will end with a ritual performance of the sigil!
Handouts are included.
Vovin (V) is a longtime member of The Nest community, the O.T.O.-New Orleans, Ordo Algol, and is the founder of #LarFi. He is the author of numerous books of poetry, and the creator/designer of The Book of Dream Names Sigil Oracle.

Stone Singing: Communing with the Earth, with Ryan Adams
It is easy to think about our relationship with the world around us in purely intellectual terms.
We can sit and meditate, debate philosophy and the fine distinctions between pantheism and
panentheism, the indwelling divine verses universal divinity. Sometimes what is needed is to be
able to reach out and grasp a direct connection with the natural world. In this workshop we will
learn the practice of connecting to the Earth through the vehicle of song and ritual movement,
singing to the stones and allowing them to sing their wisdom back to us.
Ryan is an initiate of the Greencraft branch of the Alexandrian tradition of British Traditional Wicca and has served as a Wiccan/Pagan Distinctive Faith Group Leader on several Army bases. He spends time in the community as a coven leader, and teaching public workshops. He is the former asst. director of Military Affairs for the Sacred Well Congregation.

Exploring the Anatomy of a Witch, with Laura Zakroff
Discover the five essential organs or systems that enable a Witch to more fully embody their magic and develop their personal practice. From symbol to synergy, we will use the metaphysical body of the Witch as a guide to tapping into the greatest and most powerful tool in our possession – our own physical bodies. Open to all levels, paths, and bodies.
Laura is the author of the best-selling books Sigil Witchery: A Witch’s Guide to Crafting Magick Symbols (winner of a Gold 2019 COVR Award),Weave the Liminal: Living Modern Traditional Witchcraft, andAnatomy of a Witch: A Map to the Magical Body. She is the author of The Witch’s Cauldron and co-author (with Jason Mankey) of The Witch’s Altar. Her first oracle deck, The Liminal Spirits Oracle, was released in June 2020 from Llewellyn Worldwide and won a Silver COVR Award in 2021. Laura also conceived and edited the anthology The New Aradia: A Witch’s Handbook to Magical Resistance, which was released in September 2018 from Revelore Press.
She blogs at Patheos as A Modern Traditional Witch and at Witches & Pagans as Fine Art Witchery. She is a regular contributor to The Witches’ Almanac, Ltd.

Emerging Issues in Ethical Non-Monogamy: A Community Discussion, with Shannon Burton
For those who have been non-monogamous for a while, it can be easy to lose touch with active discussions in the ENM community-at-large. This facilitated discussion session welcomes people at all points in their ENM journey (from the curious to the seasoned practitioner) to talk and learn about current events shaping non-monogamous lives.
Shannon is a freelance author, educator, and certified sex coach. Her first sex education booklet, titled "Talking About Sex: A Sex Positive Communication Activity Book for Relationships and Life" is available on her website,

Eros Magick: Techniques for Employing the Fire of Union, with Emily Schumacher
Hone and fulfill your desires with the Greek god of passionate physical love, EROS! Using historic practices from the Graeco Egyptian Magical Papyri, the Orphic conception of Eros as primordial creator, and personalized ritual construction techniques, we will create our own workings to discover the nature of our passions, plot their smoothest course, and invoke the god of erotic desire to unite both desirous and desired. Participatory elements will include performing belomancy (archery divination) and creation of an incense blend based on an ancient recipe.
Emily is the co-founder of Academie Gnostique School for Esoteric Studies, initiate of O.T.O.-New Orleans, a Thelemite and magician, and Hounsi of a Haitian house.

The Art of Sensual Partners Massage, with Daizy Daigle
This class is designed for consenting partners to learn, share, and experience the art of sensual massage. The class will have a discussion on ways to set the mood to relax your partner and how different types of touch and sensation affect the body. I will explain erogenous zones and how increasing blood flow to certain areas will lead to more intense pleasure. I will teach you how to BUILD pleasure to heighten the sensation of arousal. Partners will have a chance to explore and swap to practice these different techniques.
Please bring a blanket/beach towel, pillow, and massage oil for the explore and swap. (No sharing due to restrictions)
Please wear clothing that gives access to most of your body. If you do not have a partner by the time explore and swap begins you will be asked to leave.
Disclaimer: We will NOT discuss or explore the specifics of Genital, Breast, Anal Massage during this class. The FOCUS of this class is NOT orgasm but arousal.
Daizy is a shamanic witch and healer, and is part of the local Pagan, polyamory, kink, and BDSM Facebook communities. She is a massage therapist, minister, Reiki master teacher, shamanic mystic and sound healing alchemist often vending, presenting, assisting with ritual, dancing, drumming around fires, and uplifting your SPIRIT!

Pleasure as Prayer Part II, with Lauren Hind
Participants may only come to the 2nd part if they have attended the first.
In the first part we explored our personal experiences of pleasure and joy.
In the second part of the workshop, participants will be invited into a collective erotic ritual where we can elevate one another energetically towards our own pleasure and erotic intelligence. The workshop is consent-based and trauma informed.
Lauren is a sex worker, sexological body worker, somatic sex educator, re-evaluation counselor, cultural worker, ritualist, bee tender and artist living and working in Bulbancha, land of many tongues, colonially known as New Orleans. There she works with artists, activists, urban farmers, herbalists, sex workers, and other healers to re-imagine and practice tending to our erotic selves. Using pleasure as a lens and the body as a portal to heal, she believes we can actively dismantle oppression and trauma individually and collectively. She is often found rolling around on the floor, eating dark chocolate, covered in dirt. Her website is w w w. T h e B o d y E r o t i c . c o m

Uncovering the Tarot, with Bill Duvendack
One of the most popular spiritual tools today is the tarot deck. This fantastic tool allows one to tap into their subconscious, and to access information that would otherwise be hidden. Its use in modern society is becoming more and more mainstream, and along with that comes questions. What, exactly, is it? Is there any structure to it? How can we use it to improve our relationship to the world around us? What do all of these cards mean, and how do we interpret them? In this workshop, we will look at a brief history of the tarot, as well as how it has evolved through the centuries. We will also take an in depth look at the cards and show how they relate to not only the Western Esoteric Tradition, but also regular playing cards and psychology. If you have a tarot deck, it would be wise to have it at the ready while listening to the workshop.
Bill is a 30+ year practitioner and student of the western mysteries, as well as being an internationally known astrologer, author, presenter, psychic, publisher, tarot reader, and teacher.
He is an ordained Thelemic Bishop, lifetime member of the Astrological Association of St Louis.
member of the Fellowship of Isis as well as BOTA, and was founder of the now dormant coven ‘Luna’s Veiled Wisdom’, as well as a co-founder of the dormant magical lodge ‘Sanctum Sub Rosa’, which was aligned with the Congregational Illuminism current. He is initiated in the Golden Dawn tradition and experienced with Spiritualist methods of channeling, mediumship, and spirit work.

We Are Aradia: Empowerment Workshop and Ritual, with Laura Zakroff
#WeAreAradia reminds us: “These are the times we were made for.” The Goddess Diana saw her people were suffering from tyranny. She sent her daughter Aradia to earth to teach us the secrets of witchcraft so that we could rise up. We don’t need a savior. We must save ourselves. We need to be the Witches the world needs. This presentation will have two parts: first the workshop/discussion, followed by a ritual. In the workshop section, we’ll cover some history (ancient and modern), look at practical witchery (offensive and defensive), discuss resources and ideas to fortify your practice. In the ritual part, we will invoke Aradia to once again bring her wisdom to us – to protect, guide, and strengthen: to empower everyone who needs it.
Laura is the author of the best-selling books Sigil Witchery: A Witch’s Guide to Crafting Magick Symbols (winner of a Gold 2019 COVR Award),Weave the Liminal: Living Modern Traditional Witchcraft, andAnatomy of a Witch: A Map to the Magical Body. She is the author of The Witch’s Cauldron and co-author (with Jason Mankey) of The Witch’s Altar. Her first oracle deck, The Liminal Spirits Oracle, was released in June 2020 from Llewellyn Worldwide and won a Silver COVR Award in 2021. Laura also conceived and edited the anthology The New Aradia: A Witch’s Handbook to Magical Resistance, which was released in September 2018 from Revelore Press.
She blogs at Patheos as A Modern Traditional Witch and at Witches & Pagans as Fine Art Witchery. She is a regular contributor to The Witches’ Almanac, Ltd.

Sonic Healing Sound Bath, with Daizy Daigle
This healing meditation is guaranteed to relieve stress, reduce anxiety, promote relaxation and bring peace and calm to the mind, body, and spirit. This amazing journey into sacred sound begins with each attendee sitting or laying comfortable and then being "bathed" in Reiki infused sound waves and vibration from crystal singing bowls resulting in a deeply relaxing and healing meditative experience. Come relax and soak in the healing sound waves. Be sure to wear something comfortable and bring something to lay on.
Daizy is a shamanic witch and healer, and is part of the local Pagan, polyamory, kink, and BDSM Facebook communities. She is a massage therapist, minister, Reiki master teacher, shamanic mystic and sound healing alchemist often vending, presenting, assisting with ritual, dancing, drumming around fires, and uplifting your SPIRIT!

Addressing Internalized Sex Negativity, with Shannon Burton
Even radically sex-positive people can harbor internal negative ideas around sex. There is a LOT of sex-negative messaging out there to contend with! Come together with like-minded people to discuss today's biggest sources of sex negativity and work together to root them out.
Shannon is a freelance author, educator, and certified sex coach. Her first sex education booklet, titled "Talking About Sex: A Sex Positive Communication Activity Book for Relationships and Life" is available on her website,

Introduction to Western Sex Magick, with Bill Duvendack
A taboo subject, to be sure, Western sex magick is sometimes seen as nebulous or daunting when first looked at; however, we'll be looking at it beyond just the sexuality and ethics on the surface. However, it is worth considering as a magickal technique because its potency can almost not be matched. The surprising thing about this technique is that anyone can do it, and it can manifest physical results when developed. In this two hour class, we will discuss different techniques, as well as what can be done and even how to do it!
Bill is a 30+ year practitioner and student of the western mysteries, as well as being an internationally known astrologer, author, presenter, psychic, publisher, tarot reader, and teacher.
He is an ordained Thelemic Bishop, lifetime member of the Astrological Association of St Louis.
member of the Fellowship of Isis as well as BOTA, and was founder of the now dormant coven ‘Luna’s Veiled Wisdom’, as well as a co-founder of the dormant magical lodge ‘Sanctum Sub Rosa’, which was aligned with the Congregational Illuminism current. He is initiated in the Golden Dawn tradition and experienced with Spiritualist methods of channeling, mediumship, and spirit work.

Secrets of the Heathen Gods, with Alex Vanbeber
An academic theology class for Norse Pagans, Heathens, and scholars alike. Join us for an exploration of the lost customs and practices of Heathen religion. This class covers nine historic spells and prayers that should be known by ancient, modern, and future Pagans alike. The animist landscape of Norse mythology, its gods, and their religious veneration are the central mystery of Heathenism. In our pursuit of spiritual actualization, devoid of the guidance of our Pagan forbearers, the religious procedures of the Old Faith only survive in the myths and poems of medieval scribes. Of the vast number of things they record and take for granted, we have many testimonies of spell songs, rituals, and common rites that make up Modern Pagan Reconstructionism. In weaving together these practices with modern intuitive practices, a complete and living heathen faith can be seen to rise from the ashes of obscurity.
Alex is a practicing Heathen and scholar, a member of Ordo Temple Orientis, Vice President of G.N.O. Pagan Pride Project, and co-owner of Academie Gnostique, an esoteric occult school in New Orleans, Louisiana.